Urwek presents the UR-100V “Sumer”

Following in the footsteps of the Amerindian cultures, the watchmaking house delves into the heart of Mesopotamian civilisation in its latest creation. More specifically, into the city of Ur, the very place from which Urwerk draws its inspiration. It was there, 3,000 years BC, that the Sumerians defined the very first unit of time, with the golden number 60: 60 seconds, 60 minutes.

For this second edition of the 100-V Time and Culture line, the designers were inspired by Sumerian mythology, astronomy, astrology and time measurement.

Beneath its sapphire dome, the UR-100V Time and Culture II “Sumer” reveals a veritable Pantheon in honour of ancient divinities. At the centre sits Utu, the god of the Sun, whose four branches are reminiscent of the points of the compass. Between the horns of the timepiece stands Nanna, god of the Moon and principal deity of the city of Ur. The blue colour of the UR-100V “Sumer” refers to lapis lazuli, a semi-precious stone associated with Innana, the goddess of love, war and fertility. The laser-engraved spatial shapes on the watch’s periphery are veritable sky charts, highlighting the Sumerians’ knowledge of astronomy.

As well as displaying the hours and minutes, this timepiece reveals data on the Earth’s rotation. Once the 60-minute mark has been passed, the hand disappears and reappears as a kilometre counter. It thus illustrates the Earth’s rotation which, for the inhabitants of the city of Ur, corresponded to 477.29 kilometres covered every 20 minutes. At the other end of the scale, the UR-100V “Sumer” displays another figure: the 35,742 kilometres covered by the Earth in 20 minutes during its revolution around the Sun. This timepiece is produced in a 30-piece limited edition.

November 02, 2023