Creation of the Franco-Swiss Arc Horloger association

Following UNESCO’s decision to add the craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics to its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the Franco-Swiss Arc Horloger association was created last December in La Chaux-de-Fonds. This symbolic event followed the fourth Arc Horloger Professional Forum based on the theme Métiers d’art - métiers rares (artistic crafts – rare crafts).

This association was founded with the aim of durably uniting the various players in the sector (artisans, manufacturers, training centres, museums, etc.), supporting them in safeguarding and passing on their sometimes centuries-old practices, as well as promoting the exceptional wealth of heritage they represent.

Since 2021, the project has been run by Grand Besançon Métropole, the Doubs Horloger Regional Nature Park and the association, encompassing the cantons of Bern, Jura, Neuchâtel and Vaud. It also benefits from the support of lnterreg France-Switzerland, a European programme to encourage cross-border projects.

The new association will be chaired by Richard Vaucher, watchmaker, founder and former CEO of VOH, as well as former president of the Grand Chasseral Chamber of Commerce. He will be supported by a strong committee composed of guardians and promoters of watchmaking and art mechanics skills.

January 16, 2025