Jaeger-LeCoultre welcomes artist Brendi Wedinger

Los Angeles-based multimedia artist Brendi Wedinger uses technology to create virtual works, yet her creative process draws on traditional craftsmanship.

The watch Maison is broadening its cultural universe as part of its “Made of Makers” programme, which brings together artists from disciplines outside watchmaking. This year, it welcomes Brendi Wedinger, a multimedia artist renowned for her 3D digital works that juggle the real and the imaginary. Nature and particularly its flowers is her main source of inspiration.

The world of this Los Angeles-based artist seems at first sight antithetical: on the one hand, technology enables her to create virtual works, yet her creative process draws on traditional craftsmanship. She begins by sculpting the largest 3D elements by hand, using technical tools, before drawing the smallest details by hand. She then uses mathematical equations to create textures, transparency and layering effects.

Like the other artists in the “Made of Makers” programme, she travelled to the Vallée de Joux to immerse herself in the surrounding nature and create a series of three surreal flowers, each representing a fusion of various blooms from the region. The surreal character of the creations is enhanced by the digitally polished gold used, which captures the light and creates an illusion of shadows and reflections.

In the purest botanical tradition, the artist has given each of her flowers an official name in Latin, accompanied by a name in English that also incorporates the year of birth of the Reverso. For example, the Flos Montis Fluit (Flower of the Mountain Flows), a combination of poppy, alpine pasque and Grass of Parnassus, is also known as the 1931 Golden Poppy. Gemma Vallis (The Jewel of the Vallée), called the 1931 Golden Orchid, is a combination of Poet’s Daffodil, red hemp nettle and late spider orchid. As for the last component of the triptych, called Rhapsodia Petalorum Alpinorum (Rhapsody of Alpine Petals), it combines elements of water mint, Pincushionflower and Alpine Thistle and is named 1931 Golden Thistle.

November 16, 2023