A new era for VOH

At the beginning of the year, VOH SA handed over its resale activities to Brütsch/Rüegger Tools as part of a coherent agreement.

Through this approach, the de Courtelary company is refocusing its activity so as to devote itself definitively to the development and manufacture of its own mechatronic products and solutions for the watchmaking industry. According to its CEO, Richard Vaucher, this logical evolution will enable the company to fully leverage its skills.

The VOH SA adventure dates back to 1995, with the creation of Vaucher Outillage Horloger, a company active in the resale of watchmaking tools. Over the years, the development of specific solutions for the watchmaking industry – in particular production equipment and control procedures – has naturally become the core business of the company that was renamed VOH in 2008. The resale portion accounted for just under half of the company’s activity in 2015 when the Swiss National Bank discontinued the Swiss franc-Euro minimum exchange rate. This episode led to a reassessment and the development of a global strategy focused on the design and manufacture of its own solutions, which is now revealing its full scope.

By devoting all its resources to the development, manufacture and sale of its own products and solutions for the watchmaking industry, VOH is in fact reaching maturity. It is now an established and renowned company, which fully knows its work and has its role to play in the field watchmaking-related sectors. While VOH’s activity naturally depends on the health of the watch industry, Richard Vaucher feels better equipped for the future thanks to this new direction. Building on its innovative strength and creativity, the company is more firmly established and responsive to the vagaries of the economy.

VOH currently employs 34 people, including seven apprentices. Each individual makes their own contribution, everyone has their role to play and personal skills are valued in order to achieve high-quality work. VOH is distinguished by its ability to create its products from A to Z, from first sketch to realisation. All the necessary knowledge is thus present internally, providing an opportunity for the many apprentices to feel themselves fully part of the overall team. The company also collaborates with ceff Industrie (the French-speaking professional training centre in Bern) for technical apprentices as part of the DuoPlus apprenticeship partnerships. VOH is therefore entering this new era serenely and with an efficient, close-knit team.

April 18, 2019